CBD For Tooth Pain Relief

CBD For Tooth Pain Relief

It can ruin your entire day when you get a toothache in the morning. It’s impossible to focus on anything other than how much pain you’re in and what you should do. When the pain is so severe that nothing seems to help, there may be no other options but to...
CBD for Bruxism

CBD for Bruxism

Bruxism, which is described as the grinding and clenching of teeth, can cause a lot of dental damage. It can also lead to headaches, TMJ pain, and neck pain. While there are treatments available for bruxism, some people are turning to CBD oil as a possible solution....
CBD for Pain Relief

CBD for Pain Relief

Pain and the History of Pain Relief Pain and pain relief have been tied to each other for centuries. In the 1600s, doctors gave their patients opium for pain. In the 1900s, morphine was the pain reliever of choice. Today, opioids are usually prescribed for pain [1]....